IYAK - International Yak Association’s Register A Yak

First-Time Members: By registering a yak with IYAK you automatically receive a free, one-year membership, including your Membership and Registration Certificates, access to the Members Center, and Genetic Pedigree Analyses. See other Benefits of Membership Here.

Once you print, fill out and sign the Online Registration Form below, the Registrar will contact you with your IYAK membership information.

Your application will be complete for processing when we receive: your registration form, photo, and DNA sample.

We will shortly have the ability to accept electronic signatures online, in the meantime, please print the Transfer Form below and mail it to our registrar.


Application: Easy as 1-2-3

There are three part to the registration process

1. Registration Form: Please fill out the Online Registration Form. If you prefer paper, you can print and mail the form to the address below.

2. Photo: Upload or snailmail one photo of your yak (showing face and part of one side).

3. Snailmail DNA: Please mail A DNA sample. The sample (hair) should include at least 40 follicles (the little bulbs or roots of hair). Store these in a paper envelope taped or pre-glued. Do not lick the envelope or you will introduce your own DNA and may contaminate the sample.



Registration: Registration includes DNA testing by GeneSeek and proprietary IYAK Genetic analyses $65.00. If you’re a First-time Member, Registration also includes your 1st year of Membership. We have you covered! Go strait to the Online Registration Form to register animals.

Returning Members: If you are a returning member, you may need to Renew Your Annual Membership to register a yak.

Snailmail Address

If you prefer to snailmail, print these documents and mail them with: your check, photo, and DNA hair sample to the address below.

IYAK Registrar c/o Daniele Garner

PO Box 8

Fairplay, CO 80440

Email Address


Pick your calf names carefully: Registered names can only be changed before the registrar has started the registration process. Once the DNA sample has been sent to the lab then no name change can be made.



DNA Sampling Tips

1. Wash your hands.

2. Clean the area by removing all loose hair and foreign matter.

3. Pull (DO NOT CUT) 40 or more hair strands. Grasp a small group of hair close to skin and yank in one swift motion (pliers can be used). A good place to collect hair is the base (root) of the tail.

4. Examine the ends of the hair strands for the presence of root bulbs. Hair roots are necessary for DNA testing. If the majority of the hair strands lack root bulbs, discard sample and try again. Do not send hair without visible root bulbs. DO NOT TOUCH root bulbs.

5. Hair samples must be placed in a paper envelope labeled with the animal’s name, owner name and date of sample. DO NOT place sample in a plastic (zip-lock) bag, the sample must be able to breath. Do not trim the hair; keep full length. Keep root bulbs aligned (together). You may tape the sample to an index card if you are careful to not touch the root bulbs or tape them. Do not touch the root ends of the hair sample; you will contaminate it with your own DNA. Seal envelopes WITHOUT licking adhesive (i.e. use tape or self-adhesive envelopes.)

6. Repeat for each additional animal being sampled. When sampling several animals in the same session, be very careful that your hands are clean and there is no hair or contamination from the previous sample.

7. You're done. You can send sample envelopes to IYAK.


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The Registrar will issue certificates and ear tags when DNA results are complete. Once tags have been delivered, DNA is on file and parental verification is complete you are eligible for attending the NWSS .